I think the application is good, but there are some puncuation errors. ( Commas/Periods. )
Okay, now here's the part i'm going to be picky about.
1. You need to use PNG, it makes it look better.
2. Don't use the chat bubbles there. The chat bubble show's too much white. You should erase the writing and make a bigger font.
3. The characters look like a mosh, try making them have the same style in clothing.. or make some effects to make it look appealing.
4. The size of your font (writing) is way too small. It won't attract people! Make it big. You know.. really big so people can see it. (Sizes 40-65 are attractive.)
5. The background is too.. nnh, bland. It's very dark. Try making it a different background. Somewhere in the middle, if the background is too attractive, people won't care about the characters and maybe even the writing.
Well, who should I be critisizing. I've only been making GFX/comics on Paint for 1 year.
Overall, I give you a 8.3! Good luck!